To prevent corrosion during acid cleaning of the metal and protection of the surface for certain period where corrosion is likely to occuris the work, which ACIPL-CL-134C carries out.
The product contains amine base organic reaction products with suitable blend of oils and emulsifiers in it, which creates layer (film) on the surface protecting it from corrosion.
ACIPL-CL-134C is a homogeneous, transparent, free flowing organic liquid stable at 24±2°C temperature and free from visible impurities. It does not contain Arsenic.
Sr. no. | Parameters | Specified value |
1 | Appearance | Transparent Liquid |
2 | Ph | < 2.0 |
3 | Density | 0.96±0.03 |
4 | Color | Clear yellow to brown |
5 | Odor | Typical pungent odor |
It is packaged in 55Gal/208 Ltr Drums.
For further information on ACIPL- CI-134Ckindly contact us on