It is a modified Tannin Based Deflocculant. It is mud conditioner and Drilling Mud Thinner. It is also controls Rheology It can be used in fresh water, Sea water and salt water Drilling Fluids. It is an effective as High temperature fluid loss controller. It’s effective in low concentrations without requiring use of caustic soda.

Typical Physical Properties

Sr. no. Parameters Specified value
1 Appearance Blackish Brown Powder
2 Moisture Content 10.0 Max
3 Ph 8.5 Min
4 Water Solubility 70% Min
5 Temperature stability 200° CMax
6 Bulk Density 850 - 950 Kg/m3
7 Particle Size 90 % Passes through BSS 40.


  • It is a Very effective Environmentally Friendly Mud thinner & conditioner and Rheology Controller.

  • It compatible with all water based and Salt based mud systems and in the presence of contaminants
  • Reduces HTHP(High Temperature High Pressure) Fluid Loss
  • Effective Environmentally Friendly Drilling Mud Thinner
  • Works over a Wide range of temperature
  • Packing

    It is packaged in 50-lb (22.7-kg) and 55-lb (25 kg) multi-wall, paper sacks.

    For further information on ASHA TANTHIN kindly contact us on