To control foaming in various industrial applications is a main function of ACIPL-DF-2.It is Combination of biodegradable antifoaming agent. It is effective even at alkaline Ph values.The product does not contain silicon or metals.
ACIPL-DF-2,an anti-foamingagent, is useful in eliminating various kinds of troubles caused by foaming in processes of a variety of industries handling surfactants, water-soluble high-molecular compounds,or the like are handled, such as, for example, the fibre industry, dyeing industry, paper and pulp industry, waste water treatment, synthetic resin industry, sugar millsand oil field /refinery industry (particularly suited to eliminate foaming in acid gas absorbing units) in order to prevent various troubles caused byfoaming.
Typical dosage range is between 5 and 10 g/L More precisely it is 5 to 7 g/L of 10% product. Foam problem areas vary from factory to factory and from time to time in the same factory. If you know where the severe foam problems exist in the process, you can feed heavier dosages at this points and lesser dosages in the other areas where foam is not as much of a problem, and still maintain acceptable technical and cost performance.
ACIPL-DF-2can be fed neat or in anemulsion form to the process stream of the system where foam control is needed. Hot or cold emulsions may be prepared at strengths of 10 to 30% with agitation.
It should be fed at a point where good mixing and dispersion of the anti-foam can be achieved rapidly. Variations in system pH and temperature should always be minimised. Do not mix other chemicals with undiluted product.
It is packaged in 55Gal/208 Ltr Drums.
For further information on ACIPL- DF-2 kindly contact us on