Ashahi Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd is the one of the oldest Manufacturer of Specialty Oil Drilling Fluids and Mud Chemicals for Oil field Applications based out in the state of Gujarat, India. Ashahi Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd is in the commercial production since 1979.

ASHA SEMUL/ Secondary Emulsifier is multifunctional additive which serves as an emulsifier and wetting agent in oil mud systems. Is a Polyaminated Fatty acid working as a wetting agent and Secondary Emulsifier It provides Excellent Emulsion Stability, Secondary wetting, Viscosity, Filtration Control and temperature Stability. It is mostly used in conjunction with a Primary Emulsifier.

Typical Physical Properties

Sr. no. Parameters Specified value
1 Appearance Dark amber, viscous liquid.
2 Specific Gravity 0.90-0.96
3 Ph Neutral
4 Flash Point > 65°C
5 Thermal stability 160°C
6 Solubility  Water : Water
Solubility  Water : Oil


It is packaged in 55Gal/208 LtrDrums.

For further information on ASHA SEMUL kindly contact us on