Ashahi Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd is the one of the oldest Manufacturer of Specialty Oil Drilling Fluids and Mud Chemicals for Oil field Applications based out in the state of Gujarat, India. Ashahi Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd is in the commercial production since 1979.

ASHA PHPA is a co-polymer of anionic character and high molecular weight. It is a water-soluble polymer, which is primarily used as a highly efficient fluid loss reducer, Viscosifier and protective colloid for shale’s and cutting in fresh water, calcium, sodium brines and KCL mud systems. It is compatible with most of the drilling fluid products, biopolymers, PAC, CMC. It maintains borehole stability by preventing shale swelling and erosion.


It maintains viscosity in solid free drilling fluid. As a Bentonite extender in low solids non-dispersed mud, it can be used along with small addition of Bentonite to suspend weight material.


  • It functions as an inhibitor by coating or encapsulating formation & cuttings.
  • It also restricts the interaction of water Hydratable & dispersible shale’s.
  • It can be used as a flocculent in clear water drilling.
  • It also provides inhibition properties to fresh water, sea water and also in presence of calcium ions.
  • High viscosity of this drilling fluid helps in better removal of cuttings from bore hole.
  • It is resistant to bacterial fermentation.
  • Typical Physical Properties

    Sr. no. Parameters Specified value
    1 Appearance White free flowing powder
    2 Moisture <8 %
    3 Bulk Density 850-950 kg/m3
    4 Solubility Soluble in water
    5 PH (2% v/v in d/w) 8.0 – 9.0


    It is packaged in 50-lb (22.7-kg) and 55-lb (25 kg) multi-wall, paper sacks.

    For further information on ASPH PHPA kindly contact us on